What a coincidence!

A slightly tongue in cheek title, however that’s what the world will say about this….

At a prayer meeting on Monday night a friend suddenly said “I don’t know if this means anything to anybody, but the Lord just said fuzzy right eye to me”. And indeed it meant nothing to anyone….

Then on Tuesday I was speaking to my mate whose back was healed last week (see previous entry). He said that he’d been telling lots of people about his back and in fact told his mum. She had replied can he heal my eye.

At this point I asked my mate to stop and asked him if that would be her fuzzy right eye. And guess what? It was!

The Lord justs amazes me! What are the chances of that being a coincidence? Absolutely none, that’s what!

He gave a word to Jim to encourage my friend (and encourage me at the same time). Awesome!

~ by kishstag on October 18, 2007.

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