Been Busy…

I’m taking a break from studying for my last 2 MIP exams by making some Cullen Skink. The tatties are boiling in the milk so thought I’d write a blog, been a while….

So I’ve been really busy with work and church. Healing Rooms preparations are coming on and I’ve been installed as Interim Pastor, so very busy…

Had great time the other night praying for a friends Mum’s eyesight. It improved straight away, what a witness to my friend and his mum.

He had been very active telling people that I healed his back, so after we prayed for his mum I got a real chance to tell him it’s not me who is doing the healing but Jesus. We spoke about the Lord and the power inside every believer. I real feel he is going to be saved soon….

~ by kishstag on November 3, 2007.

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